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Har du brug for en beskikket advokat til at hjælpe dig med din asylsag eller et andet flygtningeretligt problem, kan du starte med ringe til os og aftale et møde. Her kan du, eventuelt bistået af en tolk, fortælle os om din situation og få vores umiddelbare vurdering af, hvordan det videre forløb i din sag kan se ud.


Refugee – Residence Permit - Immigration


If you are a refugee you can be entitled to legal representation concerning your application for access to stay as a refugee.


We provide legal representation for you, when your case is with the Refugee Appeal Board and in other matters.


We are lawyers present in Jutland and are available upon demand – also for meetings in your surroundings if you are unable to travel larger distances.


Axel Pallesen is a specialist concerning matters of refugees rights to stay and latter to obtain right of citizenship.


We represent you in cases on asylum, family reunification or grant of residence permit due to humanitarian reasons.


If you need a legal advice you can contact our office.





Brinck Seidelins Gade 14
9800 Hjørring

Mandag – torsdag 09.00-16.00

Fredag 09.00-14.00


Østergade 16

9760 Vrå

Åbent efter aftale


Torvet 1

9370 Hals

Åbent efter aftale

Har du spørgsmål eller vil du gerne kontaktes, så brug nedenstående kontaktformular.

Beskeden er sendt, vi svarer tilbage hurtigst muligt.

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